The manufacturer of unidirectional carbon fiber fabric

Shanghai Horse Construction is a leading manufatuere of unidirectional carbon fiber fabric.

2020-01-06 12:13

Horse Construction organized autumn outing

Recently, the Shanghai Horse Construction went to Zhoushan to listen to the tour of the sea. One of them is wonderful. Let me take a look with you.

2020-01-06 12:37

The manufactuere of structural strengthening system

The manufactuere of structural strengthening system. We have carbon fiber fabric,cfrp laminate,anchoring adhesive,steel plate bonding adhesive,crack repair adhesive

2020-01-07 05:07

July meeting of Horse Construction

July meeting of Horse Construction

2020-01-07 05:22

Happy children’s Day

Happy children's Day

2020-01-07 05:28

The mission of Shanghai Horse Construction

Producing the highest quality structural strengthening system. Remove the concrete structural safety loophole. Save the lives and buildings.

2020-01-07 05:38